Why we got cerfitication       

Developing countries like China, India and Bangladesh the textile industry serving as a steppingstone for their economic growth. It gives employment to huge amount of people - roughly one in eight workers globally. In contrast, textile industry is one of the largest polluters in the world. Also, people working in this industry works 12 to 16 hours without not even meeting their minimum wages especially in the developing countries. By considering all these, at Megham Prints we take all the certification seriously. It helps and improve working environment of the workers and their pay. The products that we produce meets the international standards without harming the environment. These certificates help us to work towards sustainable future without harming our mother nature.  

SEDEX Member Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) Certificate

Megham Prints completed Sedex audit successfully and meet all the ethical and responsible standards laid out by SEDEX. This demonstrate that Megham Prints commitment to ethical supply chain practices and transparency.

Megham Prints Walt Disney FAMA

FAMA Certificate

FAMA Disney certificate indicates that the manufacturing facility produce the product that meet international labour standard for safety and the product doesn’t affect the environment by any means. FAMA means Facility and Merchandise Authorization, it certified directly by Disney. The certificate includes respecting human rights, monitoring the safety and integrity of products, and reducing the environmental footprint of their supply chain. Megham Prints proudly says that we are one of the manufactures in Tiruppur, India with FAMA certificate.

Megham Prints OEKO-TEX Certificate


Megham Prints printed labels carries the title of OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100, which means every component of this article (Ink, raw materials) has been tested for harmful substances and the labels that we are producing are harmless for human health. This certificate gives us the confident that our printed labels like wash care label, main label, printed cotton tapes and other printed labels used in garment to meet the all international quality parameter lied out by OEKO-TEX

Megham Prints FSC certification

Forest Stewardship Council Certificate (FSC)

The FSC certificate refers to certification granted by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), an international non-profit organization established to promote responsible and sustainable forest management. FSC standard help Megham Prints to procure and manufacture the product with the paper that are made from FSC materials which are recycled and the paper pulp are sourced from sustainable forest management . In Tiurpur, Tamil Nadu only handful of apparel labelling solution have FSC certificate. We can proudly say we are one of FSC certified supplier.

Megham Prints Unverisal Certificate

Universal Certificate

Universal certificate is similar to Disney FAMA. It covers all the international labour standards and other ethical factors. This certificate provides us the opportunity to print all the Universal related characters in Megham Prints.

GRS Certificate Tirupur

GRS Certificate (Global Recycled Standard)

The GRS certificate stands for the Global Recycled Standard certificate. It is an internationally recognized and voluntary certification standard for products made with recycled content. The GRS is designed to ensure the credibility and traceability of recycled materials used in products, including textiles and other materials. At Megham Prints, we are in the process of obtaining GRS certificate. This will help us to the recycled material content with proper traceability from starting to end in about printed labels and papers.